LRN Newscast 16:30 09-04-14

A judge in New Orleans says BP had reckless conduct, and that led to the massive oil spill in 2010…
CUT 2 (35) “reporting”


Louisiana used to be ranked at number 1 in the nation for the most obese adults. Now, the percentage has dropped from 34.7 percent to 33.1 percent, which moves Louisiana to number 6 on the report released from the Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Foundation.


City officials and business leaders in the Houma -Thibodaux area are celebrating a new study compiled from Forbes Magazine that lists that area at number 8 among America’s fastest growing small cities. Story contributor Joel Kotkin says it’s more than salary, but the cost of living…

CUT 14 (10) Q: “San Francisco Bay area.”

He adds the unemployment rate is 2.8 percent.
Almost 2 dozen registered sex offenders in Calcasieu Parish have been busted for using social media, like Facebook and Twitter, which is a violation of state law…

CUT 10 (04) Q: “them yesterday”
That’s Louisiana State Police Sgt. James Anderson who says the multi-law enforcement investigation known as “Operation Off Limits” could be making more arrests.