06:30 Newscast December 23, 2015

New Census numbers show Louisiana added nearly 22-thousand residents to its population from July 1st 2014 to July of this year. Demographer Elliot Stonecipher says the slight increase is due to more births compared to deaths and an increase in citizens from foreign countries

cut 10 (09) “in migrants”

Stonecipher says Louisiana finished with a net loss of 74-hundred residents, when you look at migration totals within the United States.

Much of the state could experience severe weather today. State Climatologist Barry Keim says this warm-humid air mass that’s over the state could produce flash flooding, damaging winds, hail and tornadoes…

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Keim says higher rainfall totals are anticipated in southeast Louisiana.

For the first time on record, the American Automobile Association projects that over 100 million holiday travelers will hit the road this year. That’s nearly one in three Americans traveling 50 miles or more for the holidays. AAA spokesman Don Redman says this is a huge number…

cut 7 (07) “for Thanksgiving”

He says of the expected 100.5 million holiday travelers this year, more than 90-percent will get to their holiday destination by car. He says lower gas prices, an improved economy, and holidays falling on the weekend make it much easier for people to travel this holiday season.