Based on contracts approved by the division of administration, Governor Jindal could pay outside lawyers as much as 275-thousand dollars in state money to represent his office in lawsuits over Common Core. UL Lafayette Political Science Professor Pearson Cross says there is a vocal group of anti-Common Core supporters, but there are also many who support the education standards and wish Jindal would spend the state’s money elsewhere…
CUT 5 (10) “Senator Vitter”
He says Common Core supporters will look at this as wasted money.
Yesterday marked the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina making landfall in Louisiana and many are reflecting on what was going on in their lives 9 years ago. LSU Media Professor Bob Mann says we’re much better prepared today in every way to handle another storm like that should it happen again…
CUT 7 (09) “do this now”
Mann was the Communications Director for then-Governor Kathleen Blanco.
According to, domestic oil production is keeping the nation’s gas prices down to 2010 Labor Day weekend levels. Michelle Southern reports…
CUT 1 (33) “reporting”
If you have outdoor plans today, expect rain. State Climatologist Barry Keim says thunderstorm activity is expected throughout south Louisiana. He says there’s a good chance for rain on Sunday, too…
CUT 11 (08) “still very high“
He says two to three inches of rain is predicted.