06:30 Newscast, October 2nd, 2015

Authorities say the murderer who was let go from prison in East Feliciana Parish by mistake on September 22nd, was apprehended in Georgia early this morning. US Marshals arrested 32-year-old Benjuiel Johnson at an Atlanta hotel.

The four major candidates for Governor all took shots at each other in last night’s gubernatorial debate hosted by WDSU-TV in New Orleans. Democrat John Bel Edwards, who is anti-abortion, said more investigating is needed into alleged inappropriate actions by Planned Parenthood before they are defunded. Republican David Vitter, who brought up his endorsements from several pro-life groups, said Edwards position on Planned Parenthood is the same as his support for President Obama…:
CUT 10 (07) “means anything”
Edwards fired back by saying while he supports the president, there are many positions he doesn’t agree with…:
CUT 11 (07) “David Vitter”
Republicans Jay Dardenne and Scott Angelle both said Vitter is lying about their records.

The Department of Children and Family Services announces changes to the food assistance program to encourage able-bodied recipients without children to move into the workforce. Secretary Suzy Sonnier says a federal waiver was allowed to expire that creates changes in an able-bodied person’s SNAP eligibility…
Cut 14 (10) “SNAP benefits”
Recipients who do not comply with the requirement changes will only receive benefits for three months over a three year period.

GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson will be in New Orleans for a fundraiser tomorrow. A recent poll showed the retired neurosurgeon leads the field of other Republican nominees among Louisiana voters.