1:30 LRN Newscast June 21

Louisiana’s law requiring the Ten Commandments be posted in public classrooms is receiving national attention and groups like the ACLU say they plan to fight it in court. Alanah Odoms with the ACLU of Louisiana says the law clearly violates the First Amendment and it calls for a government-mandated version of the Ten Commandments.

Cut 7 (11) “…by this.”  

Author of the legislation, Haughton Representative Dodie Horton expects the legal challenge will ultimately be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court and she’s confident with the current conservative majority of justices the law will be upheld. But in the meantime…

Cut 8 (09)  “…in schools.”

Classroom are required to post the Ten Commandments no later than January 1st

Baton Rouge Representative Dixon McMakin is calling for an overhaul of Louisiana’s AMBER Alert system after a delay for the two Loranger girls who were kidnapped. McMakin wants state police to work with lawmakers and internally to identify needed changes.

Cut 5 (10)  “…in place.”


Governor Landry has signed legislation giving the Louisiana Workforce Commission the responsibility of spearheading workforce changes and solutions. LWC Secretary Susana Schowen (sh-auh-on) says these changes can only result in good things.

Cut 10 (12) “…workers are.”