9:30 LRN Newscast

Governor Jeff Landry has signed a bill requiring the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every classroom and now the legal fight over whether it’s constitutional to do so will be played out over the next several months. Louisiana ACLU Director Alanah Odoms says the governor knows what he signed violates the separation of church and state clause in the constitution….
cut 12 (13) “…in court”
But Louisiana Family Forum President Gene Mills says the Ten Commandments hold a historical significance and set a universal moral code…
cut 11 (13) “….a challenge”
Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill says she looks forward to defending the law.

Governor Landry has signed an education savings account bill into law. E-S’-As allows families to use public dollars to pay for private school tuition, tutoring, textbooks, uniforms and other educational related expenses. Similar programs in other states ballooned financially as parents took the money to send their kids to different schools. Baton Rouge Senator Rick Edmonds says legislators planned for this while creating the Louisiana Gator Scholarship Program…
Cut 8 (08) “…both worlds.”

New regulations go into effect today when it comes to fishing red drum. The maximum daily catch per angler is four instead of five. Harvested red drum must be 18 to 27 inches long. The previous minimum was 16 inches. LDWF Director of Marine Fisheries Chris Shcieble says these limits are in place to get the population of red drum back up from overfishing.
Cut 6 (05) “…fairly quickly.”
LDWF estimates the red drum population will recover in three to five years with these regulations in place.