5:30 LRN Newscast June 3

Governor Jeff Landry’s first regular legislative session (ends tonight 5PM) ended Monday night. Council for a Better Louisiana President, Barry Erwin says there were several anticipated important issues that lawmakers addressed and others that popped up in the session…

AM Cut 4 (12) “…going anywhere.”


Louisiana lawmakers did approve a 48-billion-dollar budget. House Appropriations Chairman Jack McFarland says ones of the highlight of the budget is what they decided to do with 771-million dollars in extra money they had to spend.  Instead of putting it into the Rainy-Day Fund…

PM Cut 4 (12) “…addressed.” 


Lawmakers failed to approve a bill to ban edible THC products. Crescent Canna CEO Joe Gerrity led the effort to kill the bill…

PM Cut 6  (10) “…total ban. ” 

Lawmakers did approve age restrictions on THC products and where the products can be sold.

Franklinton Senator Beth Mizell’s bill to ban cell phones in the classrooms, heads to Governor Jeff Landry’s desk to be signed. Mizell says there are options for schools to determine how phones will be stored but no matter how they do, positive results will be achieved.

AM Cut 10 (07) “…in their hand.”

The Teacher Workforce Commission says the number one issue is a lack of attention in the classroom due to cell phone use.