11:30 LRN Newscast May 29

The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee met today for what was likely the final time during this legislative session and the panel never took up the House-approved constitutional convention bill. Chairman and Baton Rouge Senator Cleo Fields says Senators disagree on the need for a constitutional convention…

Cut 9 (04) “…uncertain.” 


We’re in what could be the final week of Governor Jeff Landry’s first regular legislation session. While lawmakers are hoping to wrap up business on Friday, they must adjourn by 6 PM on Monday June 3rd. Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat says there are still some big items left to tackle.

Cut 6  (09) “…this Friday. ” 

The Senate still must vote on the state budget and any changes must be approved by the House before final passage.

Legislation has been signed into law making it a crime for a person to approach a police officer if they’ve told not to come any closer. Thibodaux Representative Bryan Fontenot’s bill creates a 25-foot buffer zone around working law enforcement.
cut 14 (08) “…and arresting”
The ACLU opposes the law claiming it hinders the ability to hold police accountable and it violates a citizen’s First Amendment rights.

The St. Augustine Marching 100 is heading to Normandy, France. to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. President of the New Orleans school Aulston Taylor says the students are excited and ready for this incredible journey.

Cut 3 (12) “…over on Monday.” 

The band members also visited the National WWII Museum to learn more about D-Day, June 6, 1944