LRN PM Newscall May 24

Over 40 Louisiana National Guardsmen leave this weekend for about a one year long deployment to Asia where they’ll assist with the construction of buildings through Operation Spartan Shield. Sean Richardson has the story.

Cut 1 (30)  “…I’m Sean Richardson .”


Thirty-eight-year-old Aaron Moreau of Pollock was arrested after he allegedly placed 2.59 pounds of led weights into a fish a the Big Bass Splash tournament at Toledo Bend. Jeff Palermo with the story.

Cut 2 (32)  “…I’m Jeff Palermo.” 


The Louisiana National Guard’s 1021st Vertical Engineer Company will deploy to Asia with more than 40 guardsmen who will assist with construction operations. Captain Emily Anthony says for most of the unit this is their first overseas deployment and their occupations range from crane operator, correctional officer to electricians.

Cut 3 (10) “…construction projects.” 

This is the 1021st Vertical Engineer Company’s second deployment since 9/11 and the last time they were deployed overseas was to Kuwait in 2013. But Anthony says they’ve had several missions in Louisiana following hurricanes and other weather events…

Cut 4 (12) “…very busy.” 

The deployment is set for almost a year and the platoon will have  pre-deployment training at Fort Bliss, Texas.

Cut 5 (09)  “…represent Louisiana well.”

The primary objection while overseas will be to provide construction engineering expertise to work on critical infrastructure.


The Click it or Ticket campaign is underway to encourage motorists to buckle up, for Memorial Day weekend. Greg Fischer with the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission says 15% of drivers, mainly in rural areas do not wear seatbelts.

Cut 6  (13) “…car crash. ” 

Click it or Ticket is a national campaign so if your travels take you across stateliness you’ll want to stay buckled up. Fischer says a first-offense ticket for not using your seat belt in Louisiana is $50.

Cut 7 (11) “…Commission.”  

In Louisiana, the driver and all passengers are required to wear seat restraints.

Fischer says surveys show if you drive a truck and live in rural Louisiana, you’re least likely to wear your seatbelt. Campaigns like Click It and Ticket hope to change that statistic. He says if you get into a crash on a rural  road…

Cut 8 (11)  “…of danger.” 

During the Memorial Day holiday period from 2018 to 2022, 52 people were killed on Louisiana roads.


This Memorial Day weekend many people will gather around the grill with family and friends. Luckly, it doesn’t look like the meat is going to break the bank this year. Chairman of Louisiana Beef Industry Council John Thompson says going into Memorial Day weekend beef prices are looking good for grillers.

Cut 9 (06) “…holding pretty steady.” 

A big reason for a solid beef market can be contributed to what the grain market is doing and when grain prices are cheaper the beef is cheaper too.

Along with favorable grain price, Thompson says that cattle on average are larger than they have been in the past coming through the feed yard.

Cut 10 (04) “…American rancher.” 

Thompson also gave a recommendation for what you should throw on the grill this weekend…

Cut 11 (14) ” …tender piece of meat.”

Beef…its what’s for dinner.


38 year old, Aaron Moreau of Pollock was arrested for alleged fishing contest fraud by placing over 2.5 lbs of led weights into a fish and used for weighing in at the Big Bass Splash tournament in Toledo Bend. Wildlife and Fishery agent Dustin Nash.

Cut 12 (05) “…in the tournament.” 

Tournament officials held the fish and notified Wildlife and Fishery. Once they arrived, Moreau fled the scene and shortly after an arrest warrant was issued.

Moreau turned himself in with no incidents.

The tournament was an hourly weigh in with the top 15 getting paid out.

Cut 13 (07) “..certain amount of money” 

Fishing contest fraud brings up to a $3,000 fine and up to one year in jail.

Cut  14 (14) “…this country.”