06:30 Newscast September 1, 2015

Voter Registration Week is underway, urging residents with a valid Louisiana driver’s license to register in person or online. Secretary of State Tom Schedler says this week is important because of the upcoming fall elections in Louisiana. He encourages those who are already registered voters to make sure their information is up-to-date…

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There are a number of ways a person can register: online through geauxvote-dot-com, in person or through the mail.

The old days of renting movies are over as the last Blockbuster store in Louisiana is closing. Owner Billy Mobley says his Opelousas location doesn’t do enough business to justify keeping their doors open. He says before the digital age, business was booming.

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Mobley says the internet is one of the main culprits, along with social media and satellite TV, for ending video rentals.

LSU releases its plan to bring Mike the Tiger into Tiger Stadium for home games. Spokesperson for the School of Veterinary Medicine Ginger Guttner says although Mike VI didn’t attend any games in the 2014 season, they’re going to try to get him into his trailer for the first three home games.

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Mike VI has been to 32 out of 52 home games that have taken place since he arrived at LSU in 2007.