LRN Newscast 14:30 08-26-15

In the race for governor, Republican David Vitter and Democrat John Bel Edwards are neck and neck, according to a new poll by Triumph Campaigns.
CUT 2 (29) “I’m Michelle Southern”

The accused cop-killer in Lake Charles who shot a State Trooper this week has now been charged with another murder. Kevin Daigle reportedly shot and killed 54 year-old Blake Brewer of Moss Bluff, who was sharing a residence with him. Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Deputies believe the same gun was used for the killing of Trooper Steven Vincent. —————————
Even though the Louisiana Republican party has thrown their support to former Congressman Jeff Landry in the A.G’s race, the East Baton Rouge Republican party is holding firm in their support for the incumbent, Buddy Caldwell…
CUT 10 (10) Q: ‘to be re-elected’
That’s the EBR GOP Chairman woody Jenkins, who says Caldwell attempted to block Obamacare and filed suit against the President’s moratorium on Gulf drilling.

As we’re a few days away from the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the The Louisiana National Guard has dedicated an exhibit to the destructive storm at their Jackson Barracks museum in New Orleans. Captain Heather Englehart remembers how the National Guard flew in around 32-thousand guardsmen…
CUT 7 (11) Q: “wide-spread”