LRN Newscast 15:30 08-24-15

A State Trooper who was shot in the head by a suspected impaired driver near Lake Charles, has died this morning. Authorities have identified the gunman as 54-year-old Kevin Daigle of Lake Charles. State Police Colonel Mike Edmonson says forty-three-year-old Trooper Steven Vincent leaves behind a wife and 9-year-old son…
CUT 6 (09) “wake up”
And today, the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office says the actual owner of the truck Daigle was driving was found dead in his Moss Bluff home. That investigation continues.

Hurricane Danny didn’t stay a hurricane very long, and now the National Hurricane is declaring it a remnant. Hurricane Specialist Todd Kimberlain says…
CUT 10 (10) Q: “thunderstorm activity”
A third arrest has been made in LaFourche Parish in to connection the rape of a teen-aged girl. Sheriff’s Office Spokesman Brennan Mathern says Dylan Bergeron was charged with sexual battery and is believed to be a witness to the rape allegedly committed by 18 year-old Taylor Fontenot and 28 year-old Davery Gaspard. Even though there was no evidence the girl was taken against her will, …
CUT 14 (07) Q: ‘legal consent’

It’s the largest single point decline this year on Wall Street as the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped more than one thousand points just after the opening bell. LSU Economist Jim Richardson says the market had similar losses in 2008, and eventually overcame those…
CUT 4 (08) Q: “again”
The Dow did recover some of that today, but still finished with a 588 point loss.