4:30 LRN Newscast December 6

Governor-Elect Jeff Landry has appointed Mandeville Representative and former gubernatorial candidate Richard Nelson as Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Revenue. Political Analyst Bernie Pinsonat says there’s speculation Nelson dropped out of the race in exchange for a position with Landry’s administration.

Cut 9 (12) “…Republican.” 

If you’re still looking for Medicare health coverage or want to change your existing plan, tomorrow is the last day to enroll. Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Economist Mike Bertaut (bur-tau) says Louisianans 65 and older should consider the three P’s when looking for the ideal Medicare plan.

Cut 5 (13) “ …plans incorporate.”  

With original Medicare Part A and B covers hospital care, doctor visits, and other services. Coverage starts January 1st.

Senator Bill Cassidy says if illegal crossings across the southern border are not addressed, Republicans will not approve the 111-billion dollar military aid package for Ukraine and Israel. Jeff Palermo has more.

Cut 2 (30)  “…I’m Jeff Palermo.” 

The New Orleans swamp fire that contributed to the 168-vehicle crash on Interstate 55 in Saint John the Baptist Parish plie that killed eight people and injured 63 others nearly a month ago has finally been put out. Officials say the fire drilled into the swamp’s dense soil which had become dry and combustible after weeks of drought.