5:30 LRN Newscast November 28

The family of 73-year-old Linda Frickey, who was killed last year in a violent carjacking in New Orleans, feels a guilty verdict for 18-year-old John Honore will finally help bring closure. Her sister-in-law, Kathy Richard hopes Honore will remember the horrific crime for the rest of his life.

Cut 5 (12) “ …don’t come.”  

Honore’s sentencing is set for January.

Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy has introduced the Lowering Costs For Caregivers Act to make it more affordable for adult children to support aging parent’s medical expenses by lowering costs for caregivers.

Cut 12 (11)  “…not all can.”  

Today is Giving Tuesday, a worldwide day of giving to non-profit organizations. The Humane Society of Louisiana is in need of your help. Director Jeff Dorson…

Cut 6 (12) “…public shelters.”

Dorson says the society does not receive any type of federal funding but relies on contributions from the public. To donate, visit www.humanela.org.

A mystery respiratory disease among dogs that starts with a cough that can last for weeks, runny eyes, and sneezing is raising concern among animal doctors. New Orleans veterinarian Dr. Claire Guichard says your dog has to come in contact with another to catch it.

Cut 10 (08) “…than worry.”   

No cases have been reported in the Bayou State but there have been cases in Florida and Georgia.