Louisiana’s federal emergency declaration has been approved in the battle against saltwater intrusion. GOHSEP spokesperson Mike Steele says this allows for federal assistance to help those parishes keep salt water from getting into their water facilities…
Cut 12 (11) “…along the river”
Two of the state’s largest wildfires in southwest Louisiana are now 100-percent contained according the incident management team. The Elizabeth Fire in Allen Parish and the Lions Camp Road fire in Vernon Parish. Vernon Parish Sheriff Sam Craft…
Cut 3 (11) “…nobody’s residence.”
Anyone with information about any arson-related wildfire is encouraged to call the State Fire Marshal or local law enforcement.
Amendment 2 on the October 14th ballot would grant the highest level of protection to worship in a church. Public Affairs Research Council President Steven Procopio says COVID restrictions prompted the amendment, so if you believe individuals should have the right to worship in a church you’d be in favor of the amendment.
Both the US and state constitutions already protect the freedom to worship. Amendment two is one of four on the October 14th ballot.
Traffic fatalities decreased on Louisiana roads almost seven percent last year. But fatalities among pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists remained near or above 2021 levels. Louisiana Highway Safety Commission spokesperson Greg Fischer encourages pedestrians to walk against traffic so they can see oncoming vehicles and move out of harm’s way and…