Louisiana’s federal emergency declaration has been approved in the battle against saltwater intrusion. GOHSEP spokesperson Mike Steele says this allows for federal assistance to help those parishes keep salt water from getting into their water facilities…
Cut 12 (11) “…along the river”
Last year 906 people died on Louisiana roadways, that’s almost a seven percent decrease from 2021 according to the LSU Center for Analytics and Research and in Transportation Safety. Louisiana Highway Safety Commission spokesperson Greg Fischer says last year there was an increased effort to stop impaired drivers and it paid off.
Cut 9 (11) “…(x2) fewer fatalities.”
Amendment 2 on the October 14th ballot would grant the highest level of protection to worship in a church. Public Affairs Research Council President Steven Procopio says COVID restrictions prompted the amendment, so if you believe individuals should have the right to worship in a church you’d be in favor of the amendment.
Both the US and state constitutions already protect the freedom to worship. Amendment two is one of four on the October 14th ballot.
The Louisiana Association of Business and Industry has a new president. Will Green is leaving as the head of the Louisiana Automobile Dealers Association to lead L-A-B-I. Green says he’s ready to advance positive policies Louisiana businesses desperately need…