10:30 LRN Newscast Aug 28

Some much-needed rainfall fell across parts of the state over the weekend, but state Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner Mike Strain says the state continues to battle more than 100 fires a day. The largest wildfire is in Beauregard Parish but Strain says they are also fighting some big fires in and around Kisatchie National Forest and Fort Polk…

Cut 4 (10) “…damage happens”


An appeals court has thrown out the conviction and death sentence for Jarrell Neal who was convicted on two counts of first-degree murder for 1998 Metairie shooting. Executive Director of the Capital Appeals Project Cecelia Kappel says at Neal’s trial he was represented by an attorney who was completely unprepared.

Cut 8 (11) “…as the shooter.”

She says if the state does not seek a rehearing of the case, Neal will return to Jefferson Parish and face a new trial.

As mortgage rates climb the housing market has cooled but Louisiana Realtors CEO Norman Morris says a bigger obstacle to buying a home is affordable homeowners’ insurance. He’s hopeful a new governor, legislature, and a new Insurance Commissioner can create policies and legislation that bring more insurers to the state.

Cut 14 (08) “…property insurance.” 

Typically, in the summertime restaurant business tends to dwindle, and the relentless heat hasn’t helped. Stan Harris, President of the Louisiana Restaurant Association says that many owners are worried the heat and drought have hurt the cattle industry and how it will impact beef and dairy prices.

Cut 6 (12) “…as well.”