06:30 Newscast August 4, 2015

A new study by LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center points to the lack of physical activity as the number one predictor of childhood obesity. Lead author, Dr. Peter Katzmarzyk, says what makes this study unique is that it was conducted in 12 countries around the world…

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Researchers collected data from over 6,000 children between the ages of 9 and 11.

The Colorado State University hurricane forecast team updates its outlook for the 2015 hurricane season today. C-S-U researchers previously called for a well below-average hurricane season as they predicted eight named storms. State climatologist Barry Keim says a stronger than anticipated El Nino has the tropics quiet…

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Keim says we are heading into heart of the hurricane season, which runs from mid-August through October.

A new school year begins later this week for many public school students. For those who do not start this week, classes will begin for them next week. The president of the Louisiana Association of School Superintendents, Hollis Milton, says to help students get ready for a new school year, re-adjust their sleep schedule…

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Milton, who also serves as the superintendent of West Felicana Parish schools, says it’s also important for parents and guardians to take steps in getting kids excited about returning to the classroom.