WBRZ-TV in Baton Rouge is reporting the autopsy on former LSU student Madison Brooks found no DNA inside her from the suspects who were in a vehicle with her when she was allegedly raped before she died. The NAACP says the charges should be dropped, while District Attorney Hillar Moore is upset these details were leaked.
A law requiring operating rooms to provide smoke evacuation for surgical smoke goes into effect on August 1st. Brooke Thorington has more…
Cut 1 (31) “I’m Brooke Thorington.”
Local officials in the Lake Charles area continue to express frustration over tolls being used to fund the construction of a new I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge. The state department of transportation proposed a toll schedule that it would cost over 12-dollars for a large truck with a toll tag to cross the new bridge, almost 19-dollars without a tag. Lake Charles Representative Phillip Tarver says that would put more trucks on the I-210 bridge….
cut 11 (10) “…18 dollars”
These concerns are expected to be brought to the House and Senate transportation committee who will need to approve the DOTD’s toll plan.