06:30 Newscast August 20th, 2014

Judge Todd Hernandez sided with Common Core proponents, Tuesday, and lifted the Jindal administration’s suspension of testing contracts tied to the controversial education standards. An attorney for the plaintiffs, Stephen Kupperman, says they’re obviously pleased with the ruling…:
CUT 10 (10) “thing to do”
The suit was filed by teachers and parents who claim Jindal overstepped his Constitutional authority when he halted the implementation of Common Core. The governor’s office says they will appeal the ruling.

The Baton Rouge Police Department says a father of a 5-year-old boy is under arrested after the child was hospitalized Tuesday with multiple injuries and is in critical condition. They say 36-year-old Varnell Day is accused of abusing his 5-year-old who in suffering bleeding from the brain, bruising in various stages of healing and contusions to the forehead. The suspect is charged with attempted first degree murder and felon in possession of a firearm.

The three day qualifying period for the November election begins today. The “big one” of course is the US Senate race between major players the incumbent Democrat Mary Landrieu and Republican challenger Bill Cassidy. Political analyst Clancy Dubos says this race has been seesawing back and forth and that will continue…:
CUT 4 (13) “herself”
Dubos says even though a lot of money will be spent on this race, ultimately voter turnout with be the deciding factor in the election.