Governor John Bel Edwards took his line-item veto pen to the state’s $47-billion budget; cutting the amount of state retirement debt being paid down and restoring cuts made to the Department of Health and early childhood education. Now, the question is, will lawmakers want to reconvene to override any of his vetoes? Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat says he doubts they will…:
CUT 08(08) “…already look.”
He says a veto of anti-trans bills likely will trigger an override session.
Folks going boating this holiday weekend need to make sure a sober skipper is at the helm. State Wildlife & Fisheries Lt. Garrett Kimball says Operation Dry Water is underway, and they’ll be on the alert for impaired boaters…:
CUT 03(09) “…and checks.”
Congressman Steve Scalise met with LSU Coach Brian Kelly and other SEC officials to discuss potential legislation regarding collegiate Name-Image-Likeness deals. Kace Kieschnick has more…:
CUT 02(33) “…Kieschnick”
After announcing weeks ago he would seek another term in office, Caddo Parish Sheriff Steve Prator says he will instead retire at the end of this year, due to an ongoing health issue for which he’s being treated. Prator became sheriff in Caddo 23 years ago, and has been in law enforcement for 50 years.