10:30 Newscast, July 27th, 2015

Arguments over gun control are flaring again in the wake of last week’s Lafayette theater shooting. Violence Policy Center Executive Director Josh Sugarman says too many people ignore the fact that gun violence takes a heavy toll on Louisiana…:
CUT 5 (06) “manifestation of it”
59-year-old John Houser opened fire during a movie playing in Lafayette and two women died while several others were injured. Wade Duty with the Louisiana Gun Association says law abiding citizens have a right to protect themselves as cops aren’t there when a shooting takes place…:
CUT 7 (09) “in your kitchen”
Duty says the best immediate response to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

The Shreveport Police Department says a man was shot and killed by cops after officers responded to a call from two women who say they were being held captive. Apparently the man left the residence and when he was located by officers he began shooting at them then cops returned fire. Authorities say the man died at a local hospital and four officers are on paid leave pending the results of an investigation.

The next governor will have to address whether or not TOPS students should continue to have their tuition fully paid for by the state. Scott Carwile has more from the candidateson the issue…:
CUT 2 (30) “reporting”