Legislation to incentivize gun owners with a $500 tax credit to buy safety devices for their firearms has bipartisan support as it makes it’s way through the legislature. New Orleans Democrat Mandie Landry says the devices can help prevent children from being killed in accidental shootings and guns from being stolen.
If it passed in the Senate it heads to the Governor’s desk.
The Atlantic Hurricane Season begins Thursday and Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon says it’s an ideal time to review your property insurance policy’s roof coverage. Donelon says the deductible for named storms or hurricane damage is typically five percent of the insured value of your home.
He says to be aware of what your deductible will be and be prepared to address if you have storm damage.
An annual LSU survey of public opinion shows MOST Louisianans feel the government is moving the state in the wrong direction. More from Kevin Gallagher…:
Cut 1 (33) “…Kevin Gallagher.”
In Louisiana 95 Methodist churches plan to split from the global denomination, over theological differences. The church’s statement on human sexuality says that sex is only affirmed within monogamous, heterosexual marriages has caused a some churches to leave across the country.