8:30 LRN Newscast April 12

A bill to enact a statewide ban on handheld cell phones while driving is before the state legislature. Teiko Foxx reports on a mom who urges lawmakers to pass it…:

CUT 01(32)      “…Foxx.”

A man charged with multiple counts of child sex abuse in Livingston Parish is no longer behind bars, and that makes a number of people angry. John Mack faces numerous charges dating back to 2011. He’s been released on $250-thousand bond. Civil rights attorney Ben Crump says Mack would still be in jail, if he were not white.


Expect more debate of the state’s abortion ban law, as bills are filed to amend exceptions for rape, incest and medical necessity into the law. Lift Louisiana Executive Director Michelle Erenberg says a clear majority of voters polled favor such exceptions…:

CUT 09(10)      “…or incest.”

But Louisiana Right to Life’s Sarah Zagorski says abortion only further traumatizes women…:

CUT 10(09)      “…of abortion.”

The bills are HB 346 and 549, if you are tracking their progress. Governor John Bel Edwards has asked that the rape & incest exceptions be added to the law by the House & Senate.