8:30 LRN Newscast

The four main Republican candidates for governor appeared yesterday at the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry’s annual meeting. Addressing the state’s high crime rate was a topic of conversation. Attorney General Jeff Landry says he’s got years of experience…
cut 12 (10) “…seven years”
Treasurer John Schroder….
Cut 13 (09) “…more and more brazen.”
Slidell Senator Sharon Hewitt says she would like to see incentives to attract more people into law enforcement while Mandeville Representative Richard Nelson would like to use State Police to supplement local law enforcement in high crime areas.

A new literacy program funded by the state is currently available to help pre-K through 5th-grade students who are reading below grade level. The state is collaborating with Scholastic – for Reading Enrichment and Academic Deliverables, who will deliver free books to students that can help improve their reading…
cut 30 (10) “….what they’re reading”
That’s Deputy Superintendent for the Department of Education, Jenna Chiasson. For more information go to read-L-A-dot-scholastic-dot-com.

Drugmaker Eli Lilly announces it will greatly reduce the cost of many older types of insulin used to treat diabetes. Lilly says for those with health insurance or Medicare, their monthly cost should be no more than $35. Dr. Daniel Hsia (pronounce: SHAH), with the LSU Pennington Biomedical Research Center says this is tremendous news; especially for Type 1 diabetics…:
Cut 14 (09) “…another huge victory.”