6:30 LRN Newscast

At least 49,976 signatures will be submitted to the Orleans Parish Registrar of voter’s office today to recall New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell. Cantrell, the first black woman elected as Mayor of New Orleans, has faced constant accusations and impropriety while in office. Vice Chair of the No-Latoya Recall, Eileen Carter, says the time is now to be held accountable.
Cut 13 (10) “…to deliver.”

Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff deputies arrest eleven members of a Colombian Theft Ring for stealing at least 282 cell phones taken from individuals who were enjoying Mardi Gras festivities in New Orleans. Chief Deputy Jimmy Travis says the phones were found at an apartment complex in Tickfaw…
cut 5 (08) “…to a brick”
Travis believes the thieves were preparing to ship the phones out of the country.

With the start of 40 days of Lent, we look in on the Louisiana seafood industry. How ready are they for the additional demand…?
Cut 1 (30) “…I’m Kevin Gallagher.”

Windy and warm today and rain chances are above 50-percent in north Louisiana.