3:30 LRN Newscast Feb 21

The Shreveport cop who is charged with negligent homicide in the shooting death of unarmed suspect Alonzo Bagley has been subject to three Internal Affairs investigations in his two short years with SPD. He was cleared in one but found to have violated department policy in two others.

No doubt Shreveport Police and State Police have been forthcoming with information on the Bagley shooting. Is that, in some way, because of the 2019 Ronald Greene case, where body cam evidence was suppressed from public view? Baton Rouge criminal defense attorney Franz Borghardt think that’s possible, yes. He says they diffused public anger by releasing the Bagley footage, but there IS a risk in being too transparent with evidence…:

CUT 12  (13)        “…as to guilt.”

Borghardt says, in this case, SPD probably did the right thing.


Organizers of the effort to recall New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell say they are confident they have gathered the signatures needed to get a recall election, and are now looking for additional signatures. They must submit their signatures to the Orleans Parish Registrar of Voters tomorrow, but voters will have an additional five business days to either add their name to the petition, or remove it.

Farewell to the Flesh, it’s Fat Tuesday; the most joyous day of the Louisiana year. More from Jeff Palermo…:

CUT 02  (28)        “…Palermo.”