10:30 LRN Newscast Feb 18

We’ve reached the last weekend of Carnival Season in Louisiana. A big number of parades will take place all across the state between now at the end of Fat Tuesday. Today’s parade weather should be clear by fairly cold, but Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser says he’s definitely seen colder, and still expects huge crowds…:

CUT 07  (07)        “…Mardi Gras day.”

Fat Tuesday’s forecast: small chances of rain, but it should be warm and humid.

A West Monroe couple is arrested for torching their mobile home over a year ago, to collect insurance money. State Fire Marshall’s spo0kesperson Ashley Rodrigue says they are 54-year-old Charles Robertson and 33-year-old Tanya Scott. She says they put first responders and their neighbors at rick in the fire…:

CUT 13  (08)        “…inside of it.”

A tip led officials to investigate the fire as arson.


Funeral services are today for Alonzo Bagley, who was shot and killed by a Shreveport police officer earlier this month. Bagley was unarmed. Officer Alexander Tyler has been suspended and charged with negligent homicide in the case. Bagley’s family asks those that wish to honor him plant a tree in his memory.

Governor Edwards wants to give teachers a $3000-a-year raise this year. He made the ask while presenting his annual executive budget proposal to state lawmakers. He tells Joint Budget Committee member they should be able to find the revenue to make it happen…:

CUT 10  (12)        “…more than sufficient.”

You can view the entire $46-billion proposed budget at “doa.la.gov/media”