A Democrat has yet to jump in the governor’s race but there is a new TV ad featuring the state Democratic Party chair…:
CUT 01(32) “…Thorington.”
In Amelia, in St. Mary Parish…sheriff’s deputies called to home about a suspicious package – possibly an explosive device. The bomb squad responded, the area cordoned off. After nearly nine hours they determined the package was…and egg wrapped in a bandana.
Louisiana’s Solicitor General Liz Murrill, A.G. Jeff Landry’s 2nd-in-Command at the state Department of Justice, announces she will run to be Louisiana’s next attorney general this fall. Murrill says she has abundant experience and savvy for the job, and a high point in her career was arguing Louisiana cases before the U.S. Supreme Court…:
CUT 10(12) “…as a lawyer.”
If elected, Murrill would be the state first female attorney general.
En route now to California, a team from the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness…to help them with getting disaster recovery money from FEMA. GOHSEP spokesman Mike Steele…:
CUT 12(04) “…they can.”
California has been racked recently with torrential rains that have brought on disastrous flooding and landslides. Steele says Louisiana had to answer their call for help.