10:30 Newscast July 2, 2015

Officials in 5 Gulf States, including Louisiana, announce they have reached a settlement agreement with BP for $18.7 billion dollars which resolves litigation over the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Attorney General Buddy Caldwell says this is the largest environmental settlement in history…

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Caldwell says this finally and farily resolves all issues associated with the disaster.

GasBuddy-dot-com says Independence Day travelers will be seeing the lowest gas prices for the holiday in years. And Petroleum Analyst Gregg Laskoski says prices will steadily fall for the rest of the summer. He says its unusual for prices to peak before Memorial Day and continue to decline, but this happened two out of the past three years…

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Laskoski says motorists will pay about 95 cents a gallon less than last year.

The Louisiana Chemical Association filed a lawsuit challenging a measure passed in the legislative session that imposes a 1 percent sales tax on business utilities and natural gas. Michelle Southern reports…

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Shreveport Police say a 3-year-old is in critical condition after shooting himself in the head. They believe the boy was playing with the gun when it went off. Authorities say both parents were home at the time of the incident and rushed the child to a local hospital. Police think the toddler got the gun from a holster hanging on the parent’s bed. The investigation is ongoing.