7:30 LRN Newscast Dec 7

Today is Pearl Harbor Day; the day the Japanese attacked a U.S. Naval base in Hawaii triggering America’s entry into World War II. The remains of a Louisiana sailor who died at Pearl Harbor 81 years ago will have a proper burial burial today…:

CUT 02  (33)   “…Thorington.”

amid mounting pressure over rising crime and unhappy staff, New Orleans Police Superintendent Shaun Ferguson announced yesterday that he will retire as of December 22nd. Some saw the announcement as a surprise; others not so much. a Search for Ferguson’s replacement is getting underway.


The U.S. Treasury approves Louisiana’s application for up to $113-million in support for the state’s small business owners; a part of the $10-billion state Small Business Credit Initiative. The program will give financial help to “mom & pops” in the form of venture capital, seed capital low-interest loans and more. Governor John Bel Edwards says this is great news…:

CUT 04   (07)   “…capital investment.”

Find out more about the assistance at “LouisianaSSBCI.com”

District 2 Congressman Troy Carter says he hopes the agreement signed between Governor Edwards and French officials last week will help bridge the gaps between advocates for clean energy and those who prefer relying on fossil fuels…:

CUT 07   (10)   “…a better way.”