8:30 LRN Newscast

There’s an enhanced to moderate threat for severe weather this afternoon and into tonight for much of central and northeast Louisiana as a strong storm system moves into the state. State Climatologist Barry Keim says there’s also a slight risk for severe storms in south Louisiana…
cut 15 (10) “….is needed”
Forecasters are urging residents to pay attention to emergency alerts.

Plaquemines Police Chief Kenny Payne has resigned after pleading “no contest” to two malfeasance charges…
cut 10 (08) “…those charges”
District Attorney Tony Clayton says a grand jury indicted Payne last week based on evidence he asked a woman for sexual favors in exchange for dismissing charges against her boyfriend and contacting the sheriff to drop the investigation.

Will he or won’t he run for governor? A political analyst says the sooner Senator John Kennedy announces the better. Brooke Thorington has more.
Cut 1 (29) “I’m Brooke Thorington.”

Senator Bill Cassidy is among a group of Republicans criticizing former President Donald Trump for having dinner with the rapper Ye, who has faced backlash for his anti-Semitic remarks. Cassidy Tweeted that hosting racist anti-Semites for dinner encourages other racist anti-Semites. Cassidy said this is not the Republican Party.