Louisiana State Police joins the national training program known as The ABLE Project. ABLE stands for Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement and LSP Lt. Bryan Lee says they’ve joined a select group of more than 200 other law enforcement agencies with the specialized training.
Cut 12 (11) “…from happening.”
Officers will receive eight hours of ABLE Project training over the coming months.
The Council for A Better Louisiana (CABL) has canceled its scheduled October 20th U.S. Senate debate, which would have pitted incumbent Republican Senator John Kennedy against Democrat challengers Luke Mixon and Gary Chambers. CABL President Barry Erwin says Kennedy’s campaign will not commit to a specific date…
AM Cut 4 (09) “…we’re disappointed.”
To track and detect cases of Chronic Wasting Disease among deer the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is asking hunters to submit samples for testing. Don Molino has more.