4:30 LRN Newscast Sept 28

Governor John Bel Edwards pledges help for Florida as Category 4 Hurricane Ian tears through the state. GOHSEP spokesman Mike Steele tells LRN Louisiana is in a Emergency Management Assistance Compact with the Sunshine State…:

CUT 13(10)      “…those needs.”

The Louisiana National Guard has be activated to assist.

Meanwhile the Louisiana Red Cross says it stands ready to assist in Florida’s storm response and recovery. The Red Cross’s Ed Bush says over a dozen Louisiana volunteers are already en route…:

CUT 03(10)      “…need to go.”

Bush says cash donations and volunteers are most welcome. Visit “redcross.org” to do either or both.


As Governor Edwards prepares for a business trip to London, one New Orleans politico compares his trip with recent costly travel by Mayor LaToya Cantrell. Clancy Dubos says Edwards will meet with insurance industry and business leaders to enhance Louisiana, unlike Cantrell’s “sister city” visit to France…:

CUT 10(11)      “…friends with England.”

He says Cantrell’s trip had no economic value to New Orleans, despite her claims otherwise.

Meanwhile, the New Orleans city attorney has ruled that – by law – Mayor Cantrell is financially liable for over $30-thousand in travel and hotel upgrades for that and other recent trips. Cantrell says the upgrades weren’t for luxury, but for her personal safety and security.