9:30 LRN Newscast Sept 10

Southern and LSU meet this evening in an historic football matchup, but to leaders of the two schools, it’s much more than a game. It’s a chance to bridge historic racial, cultural, and academic divides. Southern’s chancellor Dennis Shields says the two schools have a new five year plan to collaborate more closely in a range of academic areas. But Shields says the new connections are about much more than agreements on paper…:

CUT 07(10)      “…same space.”

Tailgating is already underway outside Tiger Stadium, and LSU officials say post-game traffic will be contra-flowed. All lanes will be outbound traffic to get folks away from the campus and back home as quickly as possible.

The statistical peak of hurricane season is today, and right now there are no weather systems in the Atlantic or Caribbean that pose a threat to Louisiana’s coast.


Congressman Garret Graves says according to an independent study, Louisiana is the most overpriced state in the country for flood insurance. Graves says FEMA tried to raise flood premiums during the Obama Administration but there was an intervention…and a second attempt during the Trump White House was also circumvented…:

CUT 13(08)      “…they’ve refused”

He says lawmakers will have to take action to help property owners with rising flood insurance costs.

Kudos to 71-year-old Jerry Sepulvado of Calhoun, for hauling a nearly 1000 pound gator out of Lake St. John, in Concordia Parish. He says it took hours to land the beast…:

CUT 10(06)      “…he was.”

This was his first time gator hunting, and he says he might try it again