1:30 LRN Newscast Sept 5

COVID cases among school age children has almost quadrupled since school began according to an article in The Advocate. Case counts among 5- to 17-year-old are higher compared other age groups and the second highest age group with COVID cases are among 18- to 29-year-olds.

On this Labor Day holiday, we look at Louisiana’s labor market. How is the jobs outlook More from Kevin Gallagher…:

Cut 2 (31) “….I’m Kevin Gallagher.” 


According to Chip Kline, executive director of the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Louisiana’s one point three-billion-dollar investment in coastal restoration projects is paying off and one of the most significant projects involves dredging the Mississippi River near its mouth to fill in sinking marshlands.

Cut 4 (12)  “…oil spill”


Congresswoman Julia Letlow is urging Louisiana to formally request USDA assistance for farmers impacted by excessive rainfall last month. LSU Ag Center soybean specialist Doctor David Moseley says soybeans planted in April in northeast Louisiana has some damage, but those planted in May are ok because the crop was still growing…

Cut 13 (12) “..any damage”