3:30 LRN Newscast August 24

State Representative Jason Hughes continues to call for leadership changes at the Department of Children and Family Services, despite the state agency announcing changes in policy and a push to increase staff…:

CUT 02(31)      “…Palermo.”

The state Department of Health confirms one human case of the potentially fatal West Nile disease in the Acadiana region; the first one in that area since 2018. So far this year, 14 cases the Neuroinvasive viral disease have turned up statewide. Two people have died. LDH says do what you can to avoid mosquito bites.


U.L.-Monroe receives a $2.5-million grant to train first responders on rescuing opioid overdose victims. Associate Professor of clinical practice Dr. Alexis Horace says the goal is to help people get long-term treatment in addition to treating the overdose on the spot…:

CUT 11(12)      “…guide them into care”

Dr. Horace says her goal is to educate four thousand first responders in Louisiana by 2026.

Trina Edwards, the widow of former Governor Edwin Edwards is engaged to former Senate President John Alario. On Jim Engster’s “Talk Louisiana” program, she talked of Alario’s awkward proposal…:

CUT 07(08)      “…so sweet.”

She says no date for the wedding has been set, as yet. Trina Edwards is 44. Alario is 78.