A new law in effect since August 1st creates a new State Capitol Security Police force. Kevin Gallagher reports…:
Cut 1 (30) “…I’m Kevin Gallagher.”
An investigation into the deaths of two people in Florida, linked to Louisiana oysters is underway. Local industry anxiously awaits results. Brooke Thorington has more.
Cut 2 (31) “….I’m Brooke Thorington.”
State health officials are now updating detailed monkeypox data weekly. They’re also doing a hard push to get more vaccines from the federal government. Marsanne Golsby has the update.
Cut 3 (32) “…I’m Marsanne Golsby”
A Tulane University expert on climate change policy and politics says the actual impact of the new inflation reduction act will depend on what happens much closer to home than in Washington DC.
Joshua Basseches (rhymes with passages) says the law is a major achievement for environmentalists, but that individual states have a lot of authority over how electricity is regulated.
Cut 4 (12) “…Public Service Commission.”
Basseches says the new law has the potential to make renewable energy cheaper. However, he says Entergy has made major investments in traditional energy plants that aren’t out of date yet and aren’t likely to be replaced by alternatives any time soon.
Cut 5 (05) “…becomes realized”
He says the new law relies on incentives rather than forcing drastic changes.
Cut 6 (10) “…just the beginning.”
A new law passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor will create a new Capitol Security Police agency. The bill was authored by Lafayette Senate President Page Cortez, who says a more consolidated approach to security has been discussed for years…:
Cut 7 (09) “…a lot of coordination.”
Currently, security in and around the Capitol is handled by the House and Senate sergeant of arms offices, Capitol Police, and by the Department of Public Safety. Cortez says those varying agencies don’t always communicate or coordinate well with each other…:
The Capitol Security Police agency will begin taking form immediately; employing up to 24 officers and a chief, who’ll coordinate with his team and other agencies. The new agency will be funded out of the annual State Capitol operations budget. Cortez says the January 6th Riot in Washington illustrated the need, but the concept for his bill is not new…:
Cut 9 (07) “…Senator Robert Adley.”
Cortez says they plan to have the Capitol Security Police fully operational before the next legislative session next spring.
The Louisiana Oyster industry made headlines this week after two deaths in Florida were linked to raw oysters from the Bayou State. Oyster Task Force Chairman Mitch Jurisich (ger ah sich) confirms the oysters involved were from Louisiana, and a thorough investigation is underway.
Jurisich says before anyone jumps to conclusions about Louisiana oysters, he wants to see what the investigation reveals and that food safety procedures were followed correctly.
The CDC says on average 80,000 people will get ill from eating raw oysters and about 100 will die as a result each year. Restaurants do have signs warning patrons of the risks of eating raw shellfish. Jurisich says individuals with immune disorders and those who are pregnant should avoid consuming raw oysters.
Cut 12 (10) “…facts together.”
He expects more information to be released once the medical examiner’s report and cause of death are determined.
State health officer Dr. Joe Kanter says while there are only 127 diagnosed cases of monkeypox in Louisiana, officials know more are out there. So they’re taking aggressive steps to warn people and to get more vaccines. He says ninety-five percent of the cases have been with men having sex with men. Nearly sixty percent are among Black Louisianans.
Cut 13 (07) “…growing outbreak.”
He says other parts of the country with more cases are seeing them spread into other demographic groups.
Cut 14 (13) “…spread of this outbreak”
Kanter says it should be easier to contain the Monkeypox outbreak than COVID because the treatment—smallpox vaccine—already exists, but it’s in short supply.
Cut 15 (11) “…like Southern Decadence.”
People interested in receiving the vaccine can visit the Louisiana Department of Health website for more information. They can also call 211 to get their questions answered.
One of the bigger position battles at LSU is for placekicker. LSU has been spoiled at this position with Cole Tracy and then All-American Cade York. Coach Brian Kelly says freshman Damian Ramos has been impressive, but there’s also sophomore Ezekeal Mata, Northwestern State grad transfer Trey Finison and freshman Nathan Dilbert….
Major Burns looks like he’ll be one of the starters at safety along with Jay Ward. Kelly says Burns is a high I-Q player…
Saints will face Green Bay in preseason game number two tonight. Wide receiver Michael Thomas will not play as he gets ready to make his much-anticipated return for week one of the regular season. Thomas says he’s not all the way back before suffering that ankle injury in week one of the 2020 season…
Thomas says he still has a lot of work to do…