PM LRN Newscall Aug 10

Louisiana District 6 Congressman Garret Graves says he is a “no” vote on the federal Inflation Reduction Act. Kevin Gallagher has more…:

Cut 1 (29)  “…I’m Kevin Gallagher”


The truancy rate in Louisiana is 40 percent, and one BESE member wants to change that. Brooke Thorington has more

Cut 2 (32) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”  


Congress is poised for a final vote on the $359-Billion Inflation Reduction Act, but Baton Rouge Congressman Garret Graves says his vote will be “no.” Graves says the bill is basically the Green New Deal with a different label and will do little to actually help curb inflation.

Cut 3 (11) “…just a farce” 

Graves made the comments on WBRP radio in Baton Rouge today. He says Americans are being asked to trust Congress and the White House to solve a problem that didn’t exist until they took power…:

Cut 4  (08) “…of their policies.”

Graves says the bill WILL succeed in raising taxes for a great many Louisianans, but most likely will NOT ease inflation. He says Republican amendments are proposed to ease the pain on taxpayers, but he’s not sure they will even be allowed for debate or vote. He says Democrat policies got the country into this state…:

Cut 5  (06) “…un-forced errors.”

Graves says giving House members only 4 days to review the bill before a vote, is a sign the bill is not good.


Twelve years after the worst oil spill in human history a new report by LSU coastal ecologists says fingerprints of the damage from the Deepwater Horizon spill can still be seen. Dr. Ed Overton says most of the chemicals from the spill degraded in the environment and what’s left are small quantities of chemical residues.

Cut 6 (08) “…asphalt pad.” 

Overton says most of the land that was impacted has already been lost due to coastal erosion and hurricanes.

Cut 7 (07) “…isn’t there anymore.” 

The marsh is still littered with fingerprints of contamination, but Morris says most of the environmental damage is gone.

Cut 8 (04) “…major environmental damage.”

Thirty to forty percent of the spill evaporated and more dissolved in the water and was consumed by marine organisms.


Truancy is a growing problem in Louisiana. According to the State Department of Education in the last five years, student absences have risen 22 percent. Truancy is defined as five or more unexcused absences in one semester. Baton Rouge Area BESE member Ronnie Morris says it was even an issue before the pandemic.

Cut 9 (07)  “…where are they.”

Morris says a task force that consists of school leaders, law enforcement, state leaders, and even family support groups met last month with a goal of reducing the statewide truancy rate from 40-percent to 28-percent.

Cut 10 (12) “…group effort.” 

The reason why students do not attend school is multifold, Morris says in some instances it is a lack of parent engagement, but there are other issues as well.

Cut 11 (12)  “…in society today.”

Morris says it will take a collaborative effort to address truancy in Louisiana.


Louisiana shrimpers are struggling to make ends meet. After calculating gas prices and what they charge per pound it’s just not feasible. Shrimper Anthony Theriot (terry-oh) says for example if he catches 1,000 pounds of shrimp one day, he’s looking at $650, but

Cut 12 (10) “…nothing there.”  

Sea Grant Agent Kevin Savoie with the LSU Ag Center explains part of the problem for local shrimpers is due to the massive amounts of imported shrimp.

Cut 13 (07) “…down with it.”

During the pandemic, shrimping in Louisiana took a hit, causing retailers to go elsewhere for product, and now there’s an overflow, and no one to sell to unless it’s at plummeting prices.

Cut 14 (07)  “…is crazy.” 

In order for Louisiana shrimpers to profit they are having to sell product themselves.


Cut 15 (09) “…under the influence.” 


Cut  16 (10)  “…off the streets“