11:30 LRN Newscast August 1

The First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Friday that Baton Rouge Judge Don Johnson must sign off on the state’s trigger’s law that bans abortion must go back into effect. Loyola University Law Professor Dane Ciolino is surprised the state’s appeals court took this long to get involved in the case…

Cut 6 (11) “…district court ruling” 

Judge Johnson had issued a restraining order against the law from going into effect while he studies the merits of the law.

An accelerated cadet academy for Louisiana State troopers is underway. Sergeant Monroe Dillion says in their 86 years of cadet classes this is their first ever accelerated academy with 28 men and women embarking on their future as a state trooper.

Cut 3 (10) “…14 weeks.” 

A law to train law enforcement officers on how to detect human trafficking goes into effect today. Franklinton Senator Beth Mizell says human trafficking can easily go unnoticed, especially in places or events with large crowds, but the problem is also very bad in Louisiana’s small towns. She says it coincides with the illegal drug trade…:

Cut 14 (12)  “…dirty, dirty thing.”


A new study conducted by the LSU Department of Marketing along with researchers from other Universities has found that caffeine could lead to greater consumer spending. Associate Professor Courtney Szocs says drinks like espressos, coffee and tea impacted not only the degree of spending but also the types of products…

Cut 10 (09) “…products”