15:30 08-14-14

Louisiana has a one-point-two billion dollar shortfall in the state’s budget next year. That revelation to lawmakers was made today by the Jindal adminstration. LaPolitics (lah politics)dot com pubisher Jeremy Alford says, on one side, there are some lawmakers who want to increase taxes to deal with it, and on the other, Governor Bobby Jindal who will fight that…:
cut 13 :08 sec. Q: “override it”
Alford says he expects the governor to come up with some creative ways to deal with the shortfall.

Some lawmakers are getting a lot of complaints about wait times at the Office of Motor Vehicles; this on the heels of Governor Bobby Jindal reducing staffs there. The Legislative Fiscal Office says the waits have gone up as much as an hour and a half. The Legislative Budget Committe announced today that they want to meet with leaders of the OMV to answer those questions being raised.


The former president of the LSU Alumni Association faces a lawsuit from a former employee for stopping some hush money regarding a sexual relationship. Charlie Roberts attorney, Mary Olive Pierson, says the main reason for his resignation is Kay Heath’s statement, saying she would drop the suit against the Alumni Association when he would resign…:
cut 10 :05 sec. Q: “dragged into this”
A recent study shows 45 percent of Louisiana renters are rent stressed. Matthew Doyle reports…
CUT V1 (32) “reporting”