11:30 LRN Newscast July 22

The Governors’ plan to send the most violent inmates from the troubled Bridge City Center for Youth to Angola state prison comes under fire. The juvenile jail has had four violent escapes so far this year. Among critics of the plan is Loyola University professor of law Hector Linares (lih-NAR es) who says it seems like a bad decision, and a possible violation of federal law…:

CUT 03(12)      “…with adult prisons.”

He says better to send Bridge City’s LEAST violent detainees somewhere else.

The Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority has finished its largest barrier island restoration project, with the completion of the Terrebonne Basin Barrier Islands. The project restored one-thousand acres of barrier island habitat. Project manager April …:

CUT 06(10)      “…barrier islands.”

The $166-million project used funds from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.


Our state tops another one of those “bad lists”; taking the top spot for highest sales taxes in the country. The current statewide sales tax is 9.55-percent. The Tax Foundation’s Janelle Fritts says when sales taxes get so high, they become burdensome…:

CUT 09  (08)        “…state lines.”
The actual state sales tax is actually among the lowest in the U.S., but when you add parish and local taxes, it gets to that highest spot.

Speaking of records, gasoline has retreated from the record-high $4.55 statewide; now at $4-a-gallon for regular. Louisiana AAA’s Don Redman says lowered demand is behind the price drop…:

CUT 10  (07)        “…demand erode.”

Redman says a storm in the Gulf could quickly send gas prices upward again.