12;30 LRN Newscast July 21

A Calcasieu Parish jury gives convicted cop killer Kevin Daigle a death sentence. Daigle shot and killed State Police Trooper Steven Vincent in August of 2015. He was found guilty in 2019. Calcasieu D.A. Stephen Dwight says Daigle was cold and unrepentant, and he stands by the choice of capital punishment…:

CUT 28(07)      “…on video.”

Daigle’s appeal is automatic under Louisiana law.

Senator Bill Cassidy’s bicameral bill to provide the state bigger revenue shares of offshore energy developed passed the U.S. Senate Energy committee this morning. Cassidy says it’s called the Reinvesting in Shoreline Economies & Ecosystems Act, aka RISE…:

CUT 06(10)      “…restore that coastline”

The full Senate will debate it next.


Lafayette prosecutor Holden Hoggatt says he’s the first well-funded Republican to challenge Congressman Clay Higgins. Brooke Thorington has more…:

CUT 26 (33)     “…Brooke Thorington.”

…and now Farm Bureau’s Avery Davidson with today’s markets….