5:30 LRN Newscast July 5

A 17-year-old girl was killed Monday in a boating accident on Blind River, in Livingston Parish. State Wildlife & Fisheries spokesman Adam Einck says Slidell resident Madison Bradley was sitting on the front of a pontoon boat OUTSIDE its protective handrail…:

CUT 03  (11)        “…from the vessel.”

Her body was found hours later. The boat’s driver was charged with vehicular homicide, DUI and reckless operation. Bradley’s death is the state’s 20th boating fatality this year.

There was a boating tragedy near-miss over the July 4th holiday on Lake Pontchartrain when a family’s boat started taking on water and capsized. All four aboard went into the water. The lake was packed with boaters Sunday night boaters, and a nearby Good Samaritan came alongside and pulled the father, mother and two boys to safety. No one was hurt and the second boater is being called a hero.

The topic of gun control rises to the forefront again after a mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois. Louisiana Democratic Congressman Troy Carter says after the 9/11 attacks we made changes to how we fly, and he says he need to apply the same logic with gun sales.

Cut 12 (07) “…done before.”  

The death toll in the Illinois shooting has risen to seven.

The Coalition to Defend Southwest Louisiana latest campaign seeks to stop the spread of gas terminals across the Gulf Coast. Southwest Louisiana coordinator James Hiatt says the oil and gas industry has made promises regarding the safety of gas export terminals and their economic impact but has failed to deliver on those promises.

Cut 11 (10)  “…greenwashed untruths.”