Now that Governor Edwards is done signing and vetoing bills, will lawmakers seek to override any of his vetoes? Kevin Gallagher has more…:
Cut 2 (30) “…I’m Kevin Gallagher.”
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Enforcement Agents are participating in Operation Dry Water. LDWF spokesperson Adam Einck says it’s their annual enforcement of state waterways looking for impaired operators…
Cut 10 (07) “…on the waterways.”
The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission says extra officers will be on the highways this fourth of July weekend to detect and stop impaired drivers. Spokesperson Mark Lambert says if you plan on drinking to celebrate America’s birthday, let someone else drive…
cut 3 (04) “….to drive”
Lambert says 100 people were injured and six people were killed in alcohol-related crashes during last year’s Independence Day holiday.
The world of college athletics is changing again as U-S-C and U-C-L-A are heading from the Pac-12 to the Big 10 and will begin playing in the Big 10 in 2024. NYU Sports Law professor Dan Lust says the SEC’s move to poach Texas and Oklahoma from the Big 12 last year certainly pushed the Big Ten to make a counter move….
cut 14 (12) “…keep pace”
Lust expects more dominoes to fall as other conferences scramble to remain viable against these two juggernauts.