7:30 LRN Newscast

The 2022 regular legislative session came to a conclusion yesterday as state lawmakers completed a three-month-long law-making period by passing a budget that will dole teacher pay raises and spends hundreds of millions of dollars on infrastructure projects.

The head of the state House GOP delegation gives lawmakers overall high marks for their work. More from Kevin Gallagher….:
Cut 3 (31) “…I’m Kevin Gallagher.”

And Edwards announced last night he’s letting the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act become law without his signature.

LSU Health New Orleans Nursing School is ranked as the tenth best by Nursing Schools Almanac. Schools were assessed on an institution’s academic prestige and perceived value. The breadth and depth of nursing programs offered and Students’ success on the National Council Licensure Examination of Registered Nurses…
cut 9 (07) “….97-percent”
That’s LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing Dean Demetrius Porche.

Dr. Catherine O’Neal, chief medical officer at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge, is the new chief medical adviser for the Southeastern Conference…
Cut 10 (12) “…conference standards.”
Dr. O’Neal says she will conduct educational sessions for coaches, and medical staff, and meet regularly with team doctors and trainers.