3:30 LRN Newscast May 12

A House resolution that would block requiring COVID shots for students 16 and older meets defeat in a Senate committee. The bill would remove COVID vaccines from the list of required shots. Alexandria Senator Jay Luneau voted against the effort, saying parents already can opt out in writing…:

CUT 03(08)      “…clearly is.”

The House bill failed to pass by a 4-to-3 vote and appears to be dead.

Northeast Louisiana Congresswoman Julia Letlow will take a seat on the prestigious U.S. House Appropriations Committee. Letlow, a former teacher, says the appointment will allow her the ability to see that education is properly funded…and education is the best way out of poverty…:

CUT 08(11)      “…school choice.”


A controversial anti-abortion bill is scheduled for House debate today, but there are reports the bill could be amended to make it more palatable to lawmakers. The bill would allow prosecution of women who have an abortion, and their doctors, with murder. LRN is hearing of plans to basically re-write the bill; removing any mentions of homicide. We’ll let you know what happens.

A study from the National Oceanic at Atmospheric Administration says there’s a potential link in the decline of air pollution to the increase in the number of hurricanes. Brooke Thorington has more…:

CUT 02(33)      “…Brooke Thorington.”