4:30 LRN Newscast April 28

The Senate votes down legislation requiring cable and internet providers to give refunds to customers without service for over 24 hours during a declared disaster. Jeff Palermo has the story…:

CUT 01(30)      “…Jeff Palermo.”

A Moss Bluff man has been convicted of the 2018 rape of a 13-year-old. Prosecutors say 27-year-old Joseph Constance forcibly raped the victim, and told her he’d hurt her family if she ever told anyone. Constance is to be sentenced May 11th.


The Louisiana Public Service Commission made headway this week in an effort to help close the digital divide in North Louisiana. Northeast Louisiana Power Cooperative will be the first utility co-op to supply internet service to their customers. According to the 2022 Louisiana Survey about three-quarters of homes in the state have broadband internet access.  LSU Public Policy Research Director Mike Henderson says the remaining 25-percent who don’t say it’s either not available at all or it’s too expensive…:

CUT 05(06)      “…to them.”

This year’s efforts to raise the minimum wage in Louisiana fall to defeat in the House Labor Committee. Many feel raising the minimum will result in fewer minimum wage jobs available, but Baton Rouge Democrat Rep. Denise Marcelle disagrees…:

CUT 14(09)      “…jobs are there.”

All three minimum wage hike bills were rejected by the panel.