Two bills that are key components to a Common Core compromise made it off the House Floor Wednesday. The votes were nearly unanimous and Governor Bobby Jindal is also backing the proposals. Lake Charles Representative Brett Geymann, a staunch opponent of Common Core, is glad all sides of this controversial issue came together…
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The bills now head to the Senate.
Political blogger CB Forgotston says Governor Bobby Jindal violated the state constitution with a press release through the governor’s office that criticizes Presidential candidate Rand Paul. Forgotston says the state constitution makes it clear that you can’t do that…
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Jindal’s statement, which is on letterhead used by the governor’s office, says Senator Paul is unsuited to be Commander-in-Chief.
In an effort to increase its international profile and boost enrollment numbers, Nicholls State University has signed an educational partnership with Galliano-based offshore giant Edison Chouest that will allow their employees and family members earn a degree from the school. University President Bruce Murphy says the deal will waive out-of-state and international fees for students connected to Chouest…
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Chouest has approximately 14,000 employees in over a dozen countries worldwide. Murphy says this agreement will bring more international diversity to the Thibodaux campus.