Eight days after a deadly tornado tore through St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana is once again under the threat of tornadoes. Much of the northern half of the state is under a tornado watch until 1 PM and meteorologist John Wetherbee says isolated tornadoes are possible in south Louisiana later today…
cut 6 (12) “….pay attention”
After Hurricane Ida, many tenants were evicted in a matter of days. New Orleans Representative Mandie Landry’s bill will give lessees at least a month, after a Federally declared disaster, before property owners can file legal proceedings. Ben Toups had to leave his Houma apartment.
Cut 7 (11) “…your space.”
Toups re-located to Denham Springs. A bill addressing this issue heads to the House floor.
Marijuana has been a burning topic during the legislative session, and a lawmaker takes the discussion to the state’s roadways. David Grubb has more.
Cut 2 (33) “…I’m David Grubb.”
State Fire Marshal Butch Browning has issued an open burning safety warning following multiple deaths stemming from out-of-control burn piles. Browning says there have been four deaths since January attributed to open burning accidents. The latest incident happened Monday in Webster Parish, killing an 80-year-old man.